The cost of permanent labor certification ads can be considerable and has to be paid by the employer. This is generally to discourage the use of foreign applicants when domestic applicants would be equally suitable. Nevertheless, there are also some ways that an employer can potentially reduce the costs associated with the process. The Government and Petition Fees The USCIS charges a filing fee of $580. This is a flat fee and can change from year to year, so a business should factor in this cost first.
But this cost is actually a fraction of the legal and advertising fees that are usually associated with the process of labor certification. The total cost of a labor certification is usually between $4,000 to $5,000. The Legal and Attorney Fees Going through an attorney that specializes in labor certification will generally reduce these costs. Many businesses go through the attorneys that they have on retainer or do not shop around for their quotes, which can increase the amount that they need to spend. There are specialist firms available that have streamlined the process of perm labor certification and are thus able to provide their services at a lower cost.
The Advertising and Associated Fees In order to procure a labor certification, businesses need to advertise for their position on a local and domestic level. These advertising fees generally range from $1,000 to $1,500. But these fees can be reduced in a variety of ways. Permanent labor certification ads can be done through boutique firms -- like legal firms, these firms are able to provide services at a lower cost. Businesses can also seek to manage their advertising on their own and reduce their costs in this way, though a mistake during the advertising process can potentially lengthen the process of certification. Very few of the costs associated with permanent labor certification are set in stone. The government itself does not maintain a filing fee; the only fee that generally can't be negotiated is the USCIS fee. Because of this, there is some room for a company to negotiate and reduce their costs.